Hands up, those who don't want to be happy! Of course we all want to be happy. For me, the search for happiness first involved finding the answer to the following question: Why am I here, what am I for? I have since found the answer, my answer that I will not reveal to you further.
Why can't we get what we want? Wanting is not enough. The genetic, ethnic, economic, social and cultural condition in which we begin our lives is woven with possibilities and handicaps that we must discover or overcome. All these conditions depend on our karma, that will be another topic. Our childhood is a series of accumulated experiences, more or less easy or difficult, which conditions us to adopt a specific way of life and a series of beliefs which will determine all our future life choices. Most of us do not question the brainwashing that we undergo during these years of psychological formation of our being. In all that our families and our society have instilled in us, our real power is the ability to discern between what corresponds to our destiny and what harms us. This consciousness can only develop by working on oneself, cleaning up our habits and our beliefs to discover the deep values of our soul. Change takes effort.
Very young I knew that money does not bring happiness, possessions of any kind do not bring this feeling of harmony and inner peace. As a young adult I found yoga on my path, this practice allowed me to discover a new window through which to see the world and my existence. Kundalini yoga is designed to free the practitioner from his traumas, his conscious and unconscious psychic wounds by freeing the unconscious from all these experiences that have marked our organic and neurological, negative memories. So a necessary healing process before evolving into greater consciousness. The tool par excellence on this path of full consciousness is the neutral mind, the meditative state. A position of the mind where the judgment of oneself and others is absent. It's as if we were erasing everything that no longer corresponds to your values and that harms your development. During your practices you dive into the depths of your being by remaining alert and aware in observing what rises and transpires in consciousness. This process allows you to make informed choices in your daily lives that will serve to bring you closer to your destiny and therefore to your happiness.
My answer to the original question, I am here to live my life and raise myself in consciousness. My destiny? Teach and share!
Yogi Shabad