It's a choice. Most of us think that these two emotions are a consequence beyond our control, of our feelings. These two feelings, like all feelings, are a reflection of our perceptions and beliefs. Love is the greatest feeling that can help us transcend all human pain. On the path to well-being and the elevation of our consciousness, all yoga practices and meditations tend to develop the energy of the heart; the 4th chakra "anahata" is the seat of compassion.

In the times we live in, we hear more and more about greenhouse gases and pollution. We all understand that polluting our habitat is a form of long-term self-destruction. This behavior is, for me, a blatant sign of a lack of awareness of self-love. On the other hand, the omnipresent hatred in all layers of human society acts like a cancer and pollutes our conscience and leads us to self-destructive behavior. How to turn the tide? First step, become aware of the harm we do to ourselves, of the negative effects that hatred installs in our conscience, our mind and our body. To nourish this feeling is a choice, we possess the strength of will necessary to change hatred into love!

the inner space of the imbalance between our shadow and our light. These two polarities are constantly interrelated, one cannot exist without the other. Yoga, breathing, postures and meditation techniques gradually lead us to find balance and cleanse our consciousness to give more space to the inner light. Heal his body, enlighten his mind and elevate his soul. Kundalini yoga and meditation classes can help you achieve this goal.

Reprogramme ton mindset !

Reprogramme ton mindset !

Nous entrons dans une nouvelle année avec des anticipations, des désirs et des espoirs de toutes sortes. Qu’est ce qui fera la différence entre le rêve et la réalité. La réponse est simple mais pas facile à mettre en pratique. Ça demande...

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Définition du yoga et de la méditation Kundalini

Definition of Kundalini yoga and meditation.

Le yoga Kundalini est une pratique holistique qui inclut toutes les formes et approches yogiques pour favoriser l’élévation de la conscience. Par des postures, des techniques de respiration, des mantras et de la méditation, le yoga...

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KRI, La Yoga Barn et moi

KRI, La Yoga Barn and me.

On the website, you see that every time kundalini yoga is mentioned, I specify certified by KRI, that is to say; “Kundalini Research Institute”. The Yoga Barn and I, Yogi Shabad, are the only ones in Quebec accredited to train teachers...

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