We enter a new year with anticipations, desires and hopes of all kinds. What will make the difference between dream and reality? The answer is simple but not easy to put into practice. It requires deep objective introspection to identify what motivates our reactions and our choices through the twists and turns of our mind.

In the yogic tradition, the mind is made up of 3 aspects; Buddhi, Manas and Ahankar. The Manas aspect is the one that records events, Buddhi is the intellect that analyzes and Ahankar associates everything with the experience of identity.

Each lived experience is affected by these 3 aspects and the conclusion of this process settles either in the consciousness or in the subconscious. This accumulation of interpretations, which begins as soon as a soul occupies your biological organism to this day, establishes in you a psychic dynamic which installs in your consciousness a series of beliefs. All your choices and decisions are made according to these beliefs about yourself, others, society and the whole world.

In the world of computers it's easy, when something becomes useless we throw it in the trash. In the world of consciousness and the subconscious it is more complicated. To clean our subconscious the only tool I know is yoga and meditation. The meditative process allows us to open a breach in the shell of the mind and possibly modify or eliminate the beliefs which in adulthood have become useless and block our progress towards full consciousness. A daily practice is the best approach. Some of our emotional experiences have been traumatic and therefore much more difficult to evacuate. The more you meditate, the better!

To learn to meditate, start with yoga and meditation classes or with spiritual coaching and consultation. To successfully establish a discipline, it is important to be supported by an experienced teacher. Take advantage of all the yoga class, training and or retreat experiences offered to develop your skills. There is nothing better than meditation practice to develop the meditative mind and mindfulness. @layogabarn we offer you courses and training to guide you through an effective and complete journey.

The more you lighten your awareness of past experiences, the more you enter into the experience of the present moment with a new perspective of your true value and the more you can be in the creative power of your full potential. Your power of manifestation is unlimited.

Sat Nam, Yogi Shabad

Définition du yoga et de la méditation Kundalini

Definition of Kundalini yoga and meditation.

Le yoga Kundalini est une pratique holistique qui inclut toutes les formes et approches yogiques pour favoriser l’élévation de la conscience. Par des postures, des techniques de respiration, des mantras et de la méditation, le yoga...

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KRI, La Yoga Barn et moi

KRI, La Yoga Barn and me.

On the website, you see that every time kundalini yoga is mentioned, I specify certified by KRI, that is to say; “Kundalini Research Institute”. The Yoga Barn and I, Yogi Shabad, are the only ones in Quebec accredited to train teachers...

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Haine ou amour?

Love or hate?

It's a choice. Most of us think that these two emotions are a consequence beyond our control, of our feelings. These two feelings, like all feelings, are a reflection of our perceptions and our...

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